Operation Air Assault 2

The threat of international terrorism were not the largest. When highlights the intelligence report of a worrying prospect, an extremist militia organization might acquire nuclear weapons in our social fabric is threatened. Imminent war, fortunately the forefront in your arsenal is a new attack helicopter, and launched the war against the enemy, and the only one working in the pilot calls time.
Air assault operation is a game 3D fast-paced attack jet, helicopter, your job is to find and destroy using the most destructive weapons technology to get rid of your extremist militia. The war on terrorism is a reality. In the battle for air assault operations. This event features a 30 mission into two parts. I spend the first half of the game Tundra Russian stomping on terrorist organizations and Form 15 other delegations kick some doubts in the main base of the Pacific Islands. It does not matter, and this military gear terrorist organization put major European countries feel ashamed of the fact that they managed to grab a challenge to maintain a multi-series arena Pacific island. Oh, and the movement in the Cold War era, and the best ...
The task is to be completed progress in the campaign, and most people in this type of game is to keep track killcount departure. There is no incentive to go the extra mile, no hits, promotions, or even the task of scoring, which flows into the possibility of playing. Sometimes the success of the mission ends in mid helicopter range of the enemy, and the sound of an incoming missile warning claims also tweet in your ears.
Are some of the tasks assigned to pilot your wing, but not equal to the ratio of short distraction enemy missiles and so on. Acting independently, so you have to break into a gun in their heels trying to get it covered, or you can send them off, and you're your tactics are still hot NOE option.
Average task must be done within five to ten minutes, you will get to try to work very diverse. Mostly in the form of damage to the equipment, despite the presence of the mission is armed Do not forget I've been flying in the fortified city landed on the roof of a skyscraper to rescue the hostages.
The game is actually a good fit to play with the keyboard, mouse, chaingun target manually reserved. You can have three difficulty levels Mall and realistic flight between, and the selection, but the reality of this model is less tolerant of entertainment for pilots stick to it. OAA2 is generally a good look, and if forgotten Lite SIM card, will not take a lot of time to complete any enthusiast helicopter.
Finally, be aware that there is evidence that, despite the influence of the same name and boxshot is a network completely different game! It is known that game as it works aerial attack, but through the development of interactive Midas, with the presence of a third person arcade game, allowing you to operate and manage a small number of fictional helicopters. In this address who carried out the task, and then return to base to restore and repair damaged or shift from offensive to transport helicopters, helicopters, and vice versa.
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