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Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation - Full Version Free

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation

The original Tomb Raider statement oid re-released Android, iOS and PC. Tomb Raider is a classic, how is this different version of the original game is it?
The first adventure of Laura
Tomb Raider has 15 locations around the world, such as Peru, Egypt and Greece. What is the purpose of this trip is it? Croft's task is to find the artifact called kinship. His enemies Jacqueline Natla sent his journey, Laura always to survive his first great adventure.
Level design is still very good, like the original. You must survive a dangerous leap, they want to run their blood creatures.
Tomb Raider is still conveys the feeling of Indiana Jones film. You are a treasure hunter trying to steal relics have been hidden for years. You have to cross the traps and solve the problem you need a lot of thought.
Strange adaptation
Unfortunately, the test of time Tomb Raider ports do not survive.
The graphics are obviously dated, but they are even worse, because they have not been adjusted to accommodate the high resolution of the current device. No soda texture so you can get the massive and low character and delicate environment.
These controls are the worst of the PC with no configuration options Android and iOS and touchscreen control.
Tomb Raider also brought the original frustrating control. Lara moves like a tank so you must plan every move or you die again.
This is what you want adventure?
Tomb Raider is a classic game, but the recent release of poor port of the original game. You can use this version of the work yourself? It depends on what you're looking for. If you just want to re-experience the original game, then you will be fine. However, if you are looking for a polished adventure, try Tomb Raider Anniversary or a recent reboot of the franchise.
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